Dubai fix chocolate Butter to be safe than salty 1pc.
Free shipping.
Take time to read, this item will be ship through letterpack since it a bit cold already here in japan. I already did it many times and my clients find it okay. If you are worried we can ship it via yamato coolbin but the price will get a little more expensive.
Ready to ship.
Onhand in japan.
Due to strictness of mercari, i have to provide a photo of expiration date.
Dubai fix chocolate doesnt have any expiration written in the packaging, please consider.
カテゴリー: | 食品・飲料・酒>>>食品>>>その他 |
商品の状態: | 新品、未使用 |
頑張ろ福島 新米令和6年度産極上会津コシヒカリ20キロ
PANDA様専用ゆめぴりか20キロ 白米
【リメインヤング】高陽社 10粒入×25包セット 箱無し
青森県産にんにく 消毒剤 種
FORDAYS Natural DNA Collagen 2本セット
米 15kg 新之助 5kg×3袋